When our new head chef started earlier this year, he mentioned more than a few exciting recipes, including his nutty homemade granola. You might have seen it on the menu, served with Greek yoghurt, fresh berries and a berry coulis. It's so good that we want to share it with you.

Our granola recipe


  • 250g porridge oats
  • 250g honey (use maple syrup to make it vegan)
  • 50g chopped nuts (choose your favourites or go for walnuts and pecans)
  • 50g mixed seeds (we like sunflower and pumpkin)
  • 50g dried apricots
  • 50g sultanas
  • Coconut flakes to taste


  1. Pre-heat oven to 160C fan. Line a baking tray with baking parchment
  2. Pour all the ingredients into a mixing bowl. Using hands or a wooden spoon combine ingredients together until sticky and well coated
  3. Tip the mixture into your lined baking tray and press down into an even layer
  4. Cook in oven for 30 minutes or until golden. Turn the mix every 10 minutes to ensure it bakes evenly. Keep a close eye as nuts can burn easily
  5. Once out of the oven, turn again to ensure you break up any large clumps. Leave to cool completely.
  6. Serve with yoghurt & fresh berries
  7. Will keep in an air tight container for one month. You can ‘refresh’ it by putting it all in the oven again (at 160C fan) for 10 mins

Alternatively: don’t break up the mix, cut into rectangles, and store in the fridge for granola bars!


Okells Granola Recipe